Speaker Profile

Jasmine Abdulcadir, MD PD FECSM, is an obstetrician and gynecologist trained in sexual medicine. She works as Staff physician, responsible of the Gynecological and Obstetrical Emergency Unit and founded and is responsible of the Outpatient clinic for women and girls living with female genital mutilation/cutting (FGM/C) of the Geneva University Hospitals, which provides health education, prevention, counseling and culturally sensitive, clinical, surgical and psychosexual care for women and girls who experienced FGM/C. She is a researcher and authored several scientific articles and chapters on the improvement of reproductive and sexual health of women with FGM/C. Jasmine Abdulcadir teaches at the Reproduction Unit of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Geneva, at the Midwife school of Vaud, Lausanne and at national and international training courses to improve knowledge, attitude and practice of healthcare professionals working with women and girls with FGM/C. She has worked as consultant for 4 years with the Department of Reproductive Health and Research, Adolescents and at-risk populations team, World Health Organization (WHO) on FGM/C. She is a consultant at the Swiss Network against female circumcision and at the Swiss Migration Secretary. In 2018, she was awarded a knighthood from the Italian Republic for her work in fighting and treating the complications of FGM/C.