Speaker Profile

Dr. Anne Berndl is a Maternal Fetal Medicine Specialist and the Director of the Accessible Care Pregnancy clinic at Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, which provides antenatal care for pregnant people with physical disabilities. She is an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto and an Associate Scientist at the Sunnybrook Research Institute.She is the principle author of the SOGC Guideline “Labour Delivery and Postpartum Care for People with Physical Disabilities” and was the Chair of the Women’s’ Health Guideline for People Living with Spina Bifida.Her clinical and research interests surround care for people with physical disabilities during pregnancy and delivery.
1. I have a relationship with a for-profit and/or a not-for-profit organization to disclose: a) Funded grants or clinical trials: Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation, Funded project " Spinal Cord Injury and Urogenital Health". 2. I do not intend to make therapeutic recommendations for medications that have not received regulatory approval (i.e. “off-label” use of medication).